PMX Diagnostics can provide a full suite of services needed for your office/workshop or surgical center.
- State of the Art Digital Fluoroscopic C-arm and Monitor
- Radiolucent X-ray Table
- Lead Aprons and Thyroid shields including patient protection
- Printable paper matrix film, with also the ability to burn to DVD or copy to flash drive
- Trained Pain Management Technologists “Make the Difference”
Mobile Services
On the day of your procedures, PMX Diagnostics will transport and setup and test all X-ray equipment in your facility. A trained Radiographic Technologist will set up and operate the x-ray equipment as you perform your procedures uninterrupted throughout the day.

PMX Diagnostics’ primary business is to provide your center or office with a “Full Suite” of services with one easy call. We are able to provide a full size (9” intensifier) Fluoroscopic Carm, Xray table, Printer for xray images, lead protection and licensed Xray Tech – all for one price (based on time/location). Included in our service is an initial block time of services that can be extended to as long as you need our us to be on site. We include credentials and licensure of our equipment and xray Techs to clients that are contracted with PMX. Best of all is that we are adaptable to your business needs with minimal lead time requirements, adaptable xray Techs and solidly performing equipment.
Over the past decade: PMX has experienced and identified, through successes and failures, the equipment that has proven itself to work best for our clients and our business. PMX can safely provide the reassurance to our customers time and time again that our equipment and personnel can effectively and professionally get the job done. We have utilized various c-arm systems, lead apron vendors, and x-ray table vendors and have come to know what works best and what is the most reliable.
PMX uses the Siemens Compact-L digital fluoroscopic c-arm and has done so with very limited complications. In this business there is no time for failures. What we use works and has proven itself time and time again. PMX is proud to bring you this reliability with its full suite of services. Our continuous success and client base for the past decade+ truly reflects the successful business model that has served us all so well.
Trained Technologists
Though the type of x-ray equipment used can help with any given case, it is the trained fluoroscopic technologist that is able to create the best image for the surgeon because of their experience training and skill.
For Pain Management procedures the proper anatomical profiling of the spine provides a window that ultimately determines the ease of your case and lessens the trauma to your patient. PMX Diagnostics consists only of trained pain management Radiologic Technologists.
These specialists increase the efficiency and safety of your procedures, limiting the time spent to do the procedure and the turnover time to do your days work.
For orthopedic and urological procedures a simple quick communication with the physician is all our technologists need to be able to set up and prepare for the case at hand. For these cases, because of the knowledge of the c-arm operator and their trained experience, utilizing all of the applications and functions that come with the c-arm assist the surgeon, limit radiation exposure, and provide a symbiotic understanding of what the surgeon expects and is given by our technologist.
Though the type of x-ray equipment used can help with any given case, it is the trained fluoroscopic technologist that is able to create the best image for the surgeon because of their experience training and skill.
If you are interested in learning more about our Full Suite of Carm Xray Services please Contact Us now.